Staff, Contact Information, and Hours of Operation for Clintonia Township
Clintonia Township Website
Lori Evans, Supervisor
Lindy Jackson, Assessor
Tom Cooper, Road Commissioner
Debra Coale, Clerk
Paul Nothnagel, Trustee
John Baker, Trustee
Donna Parker, Trustee
Robert Thomas, Trustee
Office Location & Mailing Address for Clintonia Township:
9180 Township Rd, Clinton, IL 61727
Office Phone Numbers:
Supervisor: 217-935-2506 X-101
Clerk: 217-935-2506 X-105
Assessor: 217-935-2023 X-102
Road Commissioner: 217-935-6913
(9240 Township Road - mailing address for Township Maintenance Shed)
Normal Business Hours for the Clintonia Township Office are as follows:
Monday through Friday 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00. Thursday:9:00 to 12:00 only.
The holidays for which the office is closed are posted on our "Public Notices" page along with the Board Meeting Dates.
Periodically the office may be closed due to training, seminars, business outside of the office, or personnel emergencies. We are only one person in each of our offices so office hours will vary accordingly.
Please call ahead for an appointment to ensure the office you need is open. The phone numbers for each office are listed below and on their specific pages.